course content
Dates and times
11/03/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
18/03/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
27/03/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
31/03/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
08/04/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
15/04/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
29/04/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
06/05/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
13/05/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
20/05/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
27/05/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
03/06/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
10/06/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
17/06/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
24/06/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
01/07/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
08/07/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
15/07/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
22/07/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
29/07/2025 - 16:00 - 18:00
Course content
UNIT 1: Introduction to Cyprus companies
- Introduction to Cyprus Companies
- Overview of Company Law Cap 113
- Types of Companies in Cyprus and comparison to other business formations
- Why setting up a company in Cyprus is advantageous - advising your clients.
- Applying for a name - tips, tricks, and procedures.
- Omitting the Ltd from a company name and analysing the difference between non-profit company and an NGO.
- Overview of the procedure for Company Incorporation at the Companies Registrar.
- Review of applications and how to fill them out
UNIT 2: The Concept of Limited Liability
- What is limited liability and how does it relate to corporate personality?
- Key case law and practical exercises for its application - UK law
- Cyprus case law applying limited liability
- Discover the ways in which the court and statute can lift the corporate veil in Cyprus
- Overview of key case law regarding the criteria applied by the court to lift the corporate veil.
- Lifting the corporate veil between subsidiaries and parent company
- Lifting the corporate veil for torts between subsidiaries and parent company.
- Overview of Cap.113 provisions that lift the corporate veil.
- Who is a promotor of a company?
- What is the liability of a promotor in a company under common law and under statute?
- Scenario-based activity in a group discussion for underpinning understanding of the topics covered.
UNIT 3: Memorandum and the Articles of Association
- Overview of the constitutional documents of the company.
- What is a Memorandum of Association and articles and what role do they play
- Analysis of section 14 CAP 113 and consideration of our options regarding articles - practical advice
- Analysis of the format of the articles of association and contents.
- Group activity - overview of questionnaire template for the articles of association with discussion of each question.
- How do we amend the articles, what is the procedure and what documents are required?
- Amendment of Articles: Drafting specific provisions and resolutions.
- Analysis of the principle of statutory contract and how this affects in practice the enforcement of the articles of association.
- Who in practice can enforce the articles of association?
- The Memorandum - group activity reviewing a memo template.
- Overview of the procedure for amending the Memo and group activity.
- Practical activity for translation of documents.
UNIT 4: The Corporate Machine- Organs of the Company
- Understand the different branches of the company
- Defining shareholders and their role.
- The role of the register of members and how to draft it.
- Who are the directors of a company (explanation of Managing, alternate, non- exec, de facto, shadow and their application under Cyprus statute and case law).
- Director's remuneration and safeguarding against abuse.
- Appointment, removal, disqualification and retiring directors - procedure and overview of relevant resolutions and how to draft them
- The company secretary - what is the role according to CAP 113.
- The changing function of the secretary and the concept of stakeholder mapping.
- Officers' liabilities under CAP 113 - decoding the law and practical aspects to be aware of.
- Delegation of officers' statutory role to secretary - practical advice and best practices.
- Practical scenario: can the secretary bind the company?
UNIT 5: Directors Duties
- The statutory duties of a company director
- How to curtail powers under the articles.
- To whom does a director have a duty and who is likely to have a claim against a director?
- Director and how to safeguard and mitigate risk.
- Group discussion - does a nominee director have liability?
- Civil and criminal liabilities of company directors.
- How to protect a director against statutory liability?
- Overview of case law regarding fiduciary duties of directors and its application in the real world using hypothetical scenarios.
- Explanation of the Indoor management rule and ostensible authority and how does this work in practice?
- Hypothetical scenarios and group discussion regarding directors' duties to cement knowledge.
UNIT 6: Members and General Meetings
- Introduction to Members and General Meetings
- Types of General Meetings for shareholders.
- The AGM - procedure and review of documentation that should be drafted and how to effectively draft it.
- The EGM - procedure and review of documentation that should be drafted and how to effectively draft it.
- Types of resolutions that can be passed at a General meeting.
- What are the criteria that must be satisfied for a valid General meeting (convening, notice, quorum).
- Overview of the law relating to notices and Group activity reviewing template notices. Is it possible to give shorter notice? how?
- The use of Proxies and review of proxy forms - review in practice.
- Review of Minutes and practical advice and effect of the minutes.
- The Quorum and our options in the articles and presumptions set by law.
- Review and discussion of topics covered.
- A Short quiz to cement knowledge.
UNIT 7: AGM's and Accounts
- What are audited financial statements
- What is the role of audited financial statements
- Consolidated financial statements - what are they when are they required and what exceptions
- The liability to comply with accounting standards - the director and his duty
- The obligation to ensure the availiability of financial statements
- Distribution of dividends and the rules of the law and how they apply in practice.
- Annual returns - practical advice and procedure
- Other business to be transacted at the AGM.
- Analysis of the role of the auditor in Cyprus.
UNIT 8: Shares
- The register of members and the legal presumption explained.
- What should not be listed on the register of members and who is responsible
- When should the register of members be updated?
- Definition of a share
- What are classes of shares?
- What are the four ways we can create classes of shares in Cyprus - and practical advice.
- Analysis of what can be considered a class right.
- Analysis of the legal presumption in relation to classes of shares
- How to rebut the presumption
- Group analysis of a case study and discussion.
UNIT 9: Shares on the move
- What is a variation of class rights?
- Τhe meaning of abrogation?
- When and why would class rights be varied?
- Practical procedure for the variation of class rights - overview of templates
- What you should be aware of and keep an eye on
- Overview of documents and drafting for classes of shares
- How to issue and allot shares (group review of templates and resolutions)
- How to transfer shares (group review of templates and resolutions)
- Τhe concept of transmission of shares under the law and how to avoid it
- The need for a share purchase agreement? -
UNIT 10: Raising Capital: equity and finance
- What is the capital and the different types of capital
- What is the concept of capital maintenance and its erosion?
- Different ways in which capital can be raised.
- Raising capital through equity - including issuing at a premium
- The procedure and documents (how to fill them out and draft resolutions) for increasing share capital.
- Why would a company increase its share capital?
- What is forfeiture and what does the law say - how does this apply in practice?
- What is the reduction of share capital - what does the law say and how does this apply in practice
- Review of court procedure and documents in a group for reduction of share capital.
- The share premium account, reduction account
- Case studies concerning issuing at a premium, dilution and increasing the share capital.
UNIT 11: Raising Capital: Debt Finance
- What is debt finance
- Explanation of debentures?
- The concept of fixed and floating charges and their differences and consequences in practice - which to choose
- The impact of liquidation on charges
- Group discussion of case study relating to charges
- The procedure for registration of a charge and the obligation to have a register of charges - what should be included
- Being aware of the principles of arms-length transactions in director, shareholder and intra-group debt financing.
- Introduction to the concept of transfer pricing its application.
- Group activity - Loan documentation overview
- Case studies in relation to arms length pricing and group discussion of consequences.
UNIT 12: Minority Protections Part 1:
- Explanation of the concept of majority rule and the relevant case law
- How does this affect the structure of a company - what protections can you use>
- Exceptions to the majority rule under the common law -
- Real-world examples of its application.
- The personal rights exception and how this can be applied in real-life
- The ultra vires exception and how this can be applied in real-life
- The Fraud exemption and how this can be applied in real life
- Cyprus case law on the exceptions to the majority rule and the application
UNIT 13: Minority Protections Part 2:
- Overview of statutory minority protections
- Overview of the derivative action and group review of templates
- Group activity - when is a derivative action appropriate
- Overview of the representative action and group review of templates
- Group activity - when is a representative action appropriate
- Overview of the personal action and group review of hypothetical case studies
- Group activity - is a personal action appropriate?
- When can a shareholder use section 202 of Cap 113.
- The remedy of just and equitable winding up - hypothetical scenarios and group discussion of the remedy in real-life.
UNIT 14: Shareholder agreements and their applicability: Part 1:
- What is a shareholder's agreement
- Examples of when a shareholder agreement is required.
- Who should be a party to the shareholder agreement
- Group discussion - when should the company be a party to this agreement?
- Hypothetical scenario discussion in relation to SHA
- Review of checklist for the contents of a shareholder agreement
- Discussion of the priority of the SHA over the articles following review of case law, hypothetical scenarios and statute law.
- Examples of conflicts and discussion
- Examples of Deadlock provisions you may want to consider.
UNIT 15: Introduction to corporate tax and tax on dividends under Cy law
- Reminder of the rules relating to distribution of dividends
- Explanation of interim and final dividends
- The exemption from tax on dividend income - how it works.
- What is the special defence contribution
- Explanation of the non- domiciliation rules - when does it apply and how can this be applied to corporate structure
- Corporate tax - what is it? how does it work
- The future of corporate tax
Unit 16: The UBO Register
- What is the UBO register and why is it important?
- Review of the law and its requirements
- Review of advice provided by the Companies registrar and the final solution
- How to find the UBO - calculations and what documents must be reviewed.
- Case studies of different corporate structures, including trusts, foundations, groups of companies etc. individual activity.
- Discussion of individual findings
UNIT 17: The power of attorney
- What are Powers of Attorney
- The different ways in which a POA can be executed
- Execution of a POA abroad.
- Practical tips on the use of POA's in Cyprus
- Relationship of POA's to management and control - risks and mitigation
- POA Drafting Tips- what terms should be included?
- Thought Shower
- Certification & Apostille and distinction from notarization
- Revoking a Power of Attorney - the procedure and review of templates.
- Review of recent case law in relation to signing of the POA and the practical effect of this case law in real-life scenarios.
UNIT 18: Nominee Shareholders and Trusts - Part 1
- The evolution of the trust
- The concept of equity and its inception
- Defining the term trust.
- How a trust works - using scenarios
- The parties to a trust and their role - the magic triangle.
- What property can be included in a trust
- What types of trust can be used?
- The trust and the nominee shareholder-group discussion of hypothetical scenarios
- Review of trust template for holding of shares on trust
- Determining the beneficiaries of a trust
UNIT 19: Nominee Shareholders and Trust Arrangements - Part 2
- The duties of a trustee under statute law
- Fiduciary duties and powers
- Deep dive into the liabilities of a trustee - hypothetical scenarios and case studies
- Declaration of a valid trust -
- The local trust - what is it and procedure for creation (+ legal framework)
- The international trust - what is it and procedure for creation (+ legal framework)
- Types of international trusts - advising clients
- Benefits of a Cyprus international trust.
- Explanation of the three certainties and how they are applied in practice
- Registration of trusts in Cyprus - practical advice and review of scenarios to cement understanding
- Overview of new case law in this area in relation to company law - and its real-world application - group discussion.
UNIT 20: Substance - Management and Control
- What is substance and why is it important?
- The concept of management and control
- Substance and control against the background of the Cyprus legislative framework
- Management and control against the background of international treaties
- Review of case law and what we can deduce from the case law and apply in real life.
- The management and control test - what is it and how can we apply it when designing corporate structures and corporate governance
- Management and control of the business v Shareholders of the company
- Management and control v place of business operations of a company
- Practical advice on avoiding the residency of a company being transferred
- Real-life examples of cases and group discussion
- The future of the management and control test.
suitable for
This course is suitable for:
- Lawyers
- Corporate Administrators
- Compliance Officers
- Compliance Assistants
- other professionals working in the corporate sector
- Accountant/auditor/book keeper
- Financial Professional
- Fiduciary services firm employee/director
- Bank employee.