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Using Electronic Signatures in Cyprus
I recently attended the seminar 'Cyprus Companies Law and Practice' presented by the outstanding ELTC lecturer, Androulla Poutziouris. The course was exceptionally well-organized and thoughtfully planned, allowing me to refresh my knowledge and gain valuable practical insights. Androulla is an amazing presenter and lecturer. Her clarity in explaining concepts, seamless integration of theory with practical knowledge, use of various scenarios, and sharing of relevant court cases made the material engaging and easy to understand. The logical structure of the course and the numerous useful templates provided enhanced the learning experience, making it both enjoyable and highly effective. date:
Cyprus Companies Law and Practice
I found the seminar very interesting just by reading the title. I am glad that I participated in the seminar. Androulla was fluent in English and explained all the main points with example without reading from her notes. Learned new information and surprised with most of them. Excellent. Keep up the good work.
Using electronic signatures
Αρκετά βοηθητικό σεμινάριο με αξιόλογους ομιλητές
Δεξιότητες χειρισμού σύνταξης, επικύρωσης διαθήκης και διαχείριση περιουσίας
Excellent and insightful Presentation! Androulla Poutziouris has deep knowledge of the subject, and she is a highly trasmiting speaker. Well done!
Drafting and Advising Clients on Shareholders Agreements
Ms Onoufriou was very knowledgeable. The seminar was quite comprehensive and the fact that it was interactive kept the participants engaged throughout. Thank you ELTC
Redomiciliation of Companies in and out of Cyprus - Practical Application
A seminar that over its course went through the relevant matter thoroughly. The speaker was well prepared and he is well aware of the matter. He guided constructive conversations amongst the participants also.
Applied Real Estate Law
Dear ELTC Team, I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the fantastic Applied Real Estate Law seminar you organized and I had the pleasure of attending The seminar was an incredibly enriching experience for me. The diverse range of issues covered provided valuable insights that I can apply in both my personal and professional life. I was particularly impressed by the caliber of the speaker, who shared his expertise with clarity. Attending the seminar has truly expanded my knowledge. I feel more confident in tackling challenges and embracing opportunities in real estate market. I would highly recommend this seminar to anyone seeking to enhance their professional development in real estate sector in Cyprus. Once again, thank you to the organizers, speaker, and staff who made this seminar possible. Your hard work and dedication are greatly appreciated.
Applied Real Estate Law
The content of the seminar was to the point and Androulla Poutziouris was excellent.
Drafting and Advising Clients on Shareholders Agreements
I am extremely satisfied with the seminar and would highly recommend it to anyone seeking to expand their general overview in Shareholders Agreements. I found the seminar to be highly informative and appreciated the abundance of materials and templates provided. If anything I would suggest, was for the seminar to had more time to cover even deeper and more complex topics.
Drafting and Advising Clients on Shareholders Agreements
A really insightful seminar about Shareholders' Agreement by a helpful and experienced tutor!
Drafting and Advising Clients on Shareholders Agreements
Excellent presentation by Georgia that covered the entire range of Companies Law. Dynamic examples given, amazing tools for futher studying, and a wide range of notes and external reading materials provided. Recommended 100%
Cyprus Companies Law and Practice
Overall, the seminar was excellent, with the speaker delivering a comprehensive explanation of the subject matter. The speaker demonstrated a strong grasp of the material and effectively conveyed it to the audience. However, there was a slight longing for additional insights specifically related to the accounts aspect. Incorporating more depth in this area would have enhanced the overall learning experience and provided attendees with a more well-rounded understanding of the topic. Nonetheless, the presentation was highly informative and engaging, leaving participants with valuable knowledge to apply in their respective fields.
Εκούσια Εκκαθάριση: Πρακτική Διαδικασία για δικηγόρους και corporate administrators
Very interesting seminar and excellent speaker Ms Androulla Poutziouri. Highly recommended.
Substance and Control in Cyprus
Excellent seminar, very well organised with in-depth coverage of all the issues involved. Congratulations to the trainer. Keep going!
Εκούσια Εκκαθάριση: Πρακτική Διαδικασία για δικηγόρους και corporate administrators
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